...well, walking may be an exaggeration, but she is definitely taking steps!!! Last night my mother-in-law, Carla, and sister-in-law, Rissy were over here. While Carla and I were talking, Rissy started shouting that Ava had just walked, Carla and I gave each other a "lets humor her look", and turned to see. Rissy said to Ava, "Walk to Grandma!", and as if she were an old pro, she took 3 or 4 steps, walked right over to Carla and fell into her arms! She spent the rest of the evening perfecting this, and ended up taking up to six steps at a time! We are so very excited about this new development in our sweet Ava Rae's life. ~ Brit
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:19-21
Friday, August 8, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Okay, so I know that it as been ages since I have posted anything...but I am here now, so I don't want to here it!
A lot has happened since our last posting, but most recently, Independence Day!!!
We started out the day helping Mom and Dad at their house (setting up, setting up, and setting up), moved on to the party at their house, and then ended to night out with the fireworks display at the football field! It was a BLAST (no pun intended)! Ava
I hope that everyone Fourth was as joyful as ours!
~ Brit
Oh and by the was, Ava started crawling on the 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Summer Time!!!
Well, it's that time of year again! A time to relax, soak in the sun, and enjoy all that life has to offer. At least for those of us who are not taking summer classes (Penny). Summer began for us back on the second week of May, for many of you it has just begun. I know for myself, I will be taking it easy, as easy as a person with three jobs can take it anyway. I finally get to spend some of that "quality family time" with Brit and Ava, so I am positive that this summer will be a blast. For those of you who have a lot of time on your hands these next few months, I say "make the best of it." Many of us, myself included, are so busy during the school year and are unable to catch up on all that good family fun, including that enjoyable time spent with friends. So, go all out. Rock it out with those you love! And remember those suffering times throughout the school year when you wished summer would finally get here!!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
I was reading a very interesting article the other day. It was talking about why people are late. It said that if you, in fact, are late allot, it may be because you don't really want to be going to that place anyway.
After reading this, I started putting this idea into other aspects of my life. Why is it that I don't want to make that call to a friend? Is it because I don't really want to talk to them? Is it because what they have to say may make me feel uncomfortable? And, not just for that. What about weight loss? Why is it that some people just can't seem to commit to weight loss? Could it be maybe that they are afraid of the outcome? Are they worried that they might fail?
If we could put all of these negative feelings aside just think of how many positive things we could get done.
After reading this, I started putting this idea into other aspects of my life. Why is it that I don't want to make that call to a friend? Is it because I don't really want to talk to them? Is it because what they have to say may make me feel uncomfortable? And, not just for that. What about weight loss? Why is it that some people just can't seem to commit to weight loss? Could it be maybe that they are afraid of the outcome? Are they worried that they might fail?
If we could put all of these negative feelings aside just think of how many positive things we could get done.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ava's first tooth!!!!
Ava has received her very first tooth, and it is so precious!!! It came in last Monday, on the 7th, and was proceeded by three days of tears, sleepless nights, and fever! But it's here!!! We are so excited for this new development with our sweet daughter, and we can't wait to see what she will amaze us with yet! Here is a few pictures. See if you can spot the tooth...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
An unforgettable Retreat!
How wonderful it was to gather around friends and family last weekend at the annual Cisco Family Retreat. It will be a memory Brit and I will never forget, not only because it was Ava's first camping trip, but because the weekend played out so well. A time to fellowship, and praise Him in all his glory and wonder. Who could ask for more? With such beautiful weather and scenery, the weekend could not have been better. I won't go into detail about what all activities we participated in, only because Uncle Eddie was able to list the weekend activities so well in his blog. But, I have to say if you have the opportunity to spend time with your family and experience the nature that God has created for us, do not pass up the chance. Plan ahead, your family will truly be blessed! Here are some pics of the weekend, I am sure you will be amazed!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Today I am all mom
A few days ago, Kris walked into our apartment after he got out of school. It was around 2:00 pm and I was still in my pajamas. Ava was dressed, the house was clean, but yes, I was still in my pajamas. After Kris said his hellos to me and Ava, he asked, "Honey, are you going to get dressed today?" I simply replied, "Not if we are just going to stay home."
What's the point of getting dressed into clean clothes, when your sweet darling daughter is just going to blow a raspberry on you just as you give her a bite of pureed mixed veggies? Why get dressed, when your little bundle of joy would like to sneeze milk all over you?
If I were to stay completely clean all day, every day, I would also have to do at least two loads of laundry of my own clothes. I know to some people this may just seem like a lazy persons way of dealing with a baby and the messes that go with her. But I don't care. On the days that I stay all day in my Pajamas, I just tell Kris, "No, sweetheart, I am not getting dressed today. Today, I guess you could say, I am all mom." ~Brit
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