Ava is so funny!...It's like she really knows the days of the week. Here I am on Wednesday morning at 6:00 writing a new post, because Ava slept through the night again! Here's the funny part though...Ava used to sleep through the night, every night. Then at like 3 months old she decided that was over rated. Then 2 weeks ago on Tuesday night, she slept through the whole night! Yea!!! and did the same on Wednesday night, then Thursday night...and then Friday night we went to stay the weekend at DRI and it's like she had been just holding in all of her "waking up's" for the weekend. So the spell was broken. We came back home on Sunday evening, and she got up throughout both Sunday and Monday nights...and then on Tuesday she slept through the night again!!! Success!!! She slept through on Wednesday night, and even on Thursday night...but then on Friday night, we went back to DRI and again the spell was broken.
So now do you see the funny part? Tuesday is Ava's magic day to start her new sleep cycle...and the good thing is that this time we are not going away for the weekend. ~Brit
You are so sweet Britney! I hope that Ava will continue to sleep through the night. I can't wait to come and see you on Friday!! Love you bunches!!
~ashley :)
This confirms my theory that each day has a certain feel to it and even Ava knows what day it is! Babies rule the world. They lay down the law and we obey them. I love babies!! Way to go, Ava. Way to have a favorite day of the week!
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