For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:19-21

Friday, March 28, 2008

Today I am all mom

A few days ago, Kris walked into our apartment after he got out of school. It was around 2:00 pm and I was still in my pajamas. Ava was dressed, the house was clean, but yes, I was still in my pajamas. After Kris said his hellos to me and Ava, he asked, "Honey, are you going to get dressed today?" I simply replied, "Not if we are just going to stay home."

What's the point of getting dressed into clean clothes, when your sweet darling daughter is just going to blow a raspberry
on you just as you give her a bite of pureed mixed veggies? Why get dressed, when your little bundle of joy would like to sneeze milk all over you?
If I were to stay completely clean all day, every day, I would also have to do at least two loads of laundry of my own clothes. I know to some people this may just seem like a lazy persons way of dealing with a baby and the messes that go with her. But I don't care. On the days that I stay all day in my Pajamas, I just tell Kris, "No, sweetheart, I am not getting dressed today. Today, I guess you could say, I am all mom." ~Brit


Ashley said...

So cute Britney! I agree, if you are just going to stay home, then why get dressed?? Love you bunches!! Kiss Ava for me!

~ashley :)

Unknown said...

Amen, Sister Friend! And, I started getting really cute pajamas so I could be comfortable and still convince myself that it was okay to run around in pj's. When Maggie got a pink robe from Santa this year, she put in on and said, "Now I look like a real mom!" I said, "Yep, you do!"